Easy Lift Up came about because my wife fell due to the dizziness brought on by her having MS. She also has very bad knees, and cannot get on her hands and knees. Trying to lift her under her arms causes her too much pain.

After conducting an extensive internet search for something to help me get her back on her feet, I discovered the lowest priced item for the job was $1600. I decided there had to be a better alternative.

It took me over eight months, and over a dozen prototypes, including many hours of testing, to develop the Easy Lift Up system. I am very happy and humbled to be able to offer an alternative system to the many people that need a solution to this problem. My hope is that it will help to restore a sense of confidence and dignity back to the person who requires it.

Please feel free to share any thoughts you may have about Easy Lift Up through the contact page on the website.

Stephen Huston
CEO – Easy Lift Up